The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

The Surprisingly Fun Growth of a Pessimist


This semester was filled with unique and interesting lessons. Day after day, I entered the warm comfortable environment that was our English class and it never occurred to me that I was learning more than just vocab words from To Kill a Mockingbird. My personality developed in that class and what I learned was significantly more important than the plot of Romeo and Juliet. When I first entered L.A this semester, I wasn’t sure what to expect. There are very few L.A classes that have left a significant impact on my life, so I did have high standards when I entered the classroom. These few classes are the reason I began to love English so much. Thankfully, I have the pleasure of saying that this was one of them.

Throughout the first half of the year, my growth as a learner might not have been sudden but when I look back, it was definitely there. I believe my strengths as a learner is the fact that I love to intake new information and I love to consider different ideas from a unique point of view because I get really excited when I get my own “aha” moments. This class had definitely allowed me to develop new analytical skills using material such as The Truman Show and Romeo and Juliet and has allowed me broaden my thought process in order to find the messages that really matter in literature. A major challenge I have as a learner is procrastination because I can never seem to come up with any ideas unless I am stressed or on a time limit. I would like to improve on that because in order to be successful in the future, I must set myself up with an effective schedule.

Throughout the semester, I had a major “aha” that initially shaped the way I learnt and the way I motivated myself to learn. After observing the classmates around me and receiving marks that I was not happy with, I realized that hard work has a strong basis in joy and joy only comes from acceptance. It wasn’t that I couldn’t accept the class. It was more like I couldn’t accept the potential I had to be a great writer. Boxing myself in my comfort zone lead to a strong feeling of regret at the end of the term. Regret for not working as hard as I could have. Regret for not doing everything I possibly could to prove that I earned to be in a class of skilled writers. This realization will motivate me in the future to improve the way I perform in my studies.

As a reader, I have developed due to the push to read more advanced books rather than just relaxed novels. I’ve always had a strong passion for reading but this year I was able to expand my comfort zone and read books that I normally would not pick up. I also feel like my vocabulary has expanded and has allowed me to be capable of understanding complex novels. Thanks to the intelligent readers in our class, my to read list has doubled and although I may not get to all of them, I now have many options to choose from when I have nothing to read. I am looking forward to reading And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini and I cannot wait until I hear about more amazing book recommendations. I have come to the realization that I no longer enjoy fantasy novels but rather I have drifted towards novels that reflect on human nature such as The Kite Runner or A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.

The very first week of classes was memorable. When Ms.Hunnisett first introduced us to blogging, I remember her telling us about how there will be one blog, out of all your other writing pieces, that will greatly show your progress. It will dominate all of your other pieces and show everyone the potential you have to be a great writer. I remember having an overwhelming surge of inspiration when I read the example blog. I remember how my heart beat grew faster and faster as the climax of the short story came closer. I remember wishing, hoping, that one day someone would read my writing and would feel the same magnetic pull to hard work. The same drive to feel like you might accomplish something if your work ever became as good as the example. No one left as a bad writer in that class and although I didn’t accomplish the goal I had set at the beginning of the semester, to find my “aha”, I left feeling like my writing did develop.

At first I believed that my writing style was more formal than it was personal but as the year went by, I began to love personal writing more. I’m not a fan of short stories but I do love personal narrative pieces where I can express any of the thoughts I am feeling at the current moment. I feel that if I could work on anything to support my writing, it would be having more evidence to give a strong base to my main idea and using a more advanced set of vocabulary. My future plans for writing would be continuing with blogs to find my unique writing style and to begin writing more short stories or plays to develop the creative aspect of my writing.

I believe my first semester in grade 10 started off great. My favorite part of the entire semester was definitely meeting new people and having to step out of my comfort zone to ensure that I was not in a class of complete strangers the entire semester. The first day of L.A, I had no idea who was in my class and I was forced to choose a spot to sit. Thankfully, as the week progressed, three amazing individuals that I had the privilege to be friends with, showed up and we were all able to create a dynamic group of fun. Sitting in my group of four for the very last time was definitely a difficult thing to do but when I observed the faces of the three people around me, I realized that without them I definitely would not have progressed as an individual and I would still be a very reserved student. As we slowly began to grow in that classroom, it became terrifying, but knowing that you would always have a shoulder to lean on if it got too overwhelming, really softened the blow of growing up. Hand in hand, we got to face these challenges together and I am very thankful for that.

My goals for next semester are to try my best to talk to everyone in my class and attempt to make some new friends like I did this semester. I would also like to expand my self-confidence so I can perform better in areas where I feel like I might be struggling.

My growth throughout this class shifted the perspective I had on the outside world by allowing me to expand my horizons and accept other people. I am grateful for having the privilege of being in this class and I wish all new students entering their first class with Ms.Hunnisett the same warm and loving environment that I got to experience.

by posted under Sidra | 1 Comment »    
One Comment to

“The Surprisingly Fun Growth of a Pessimist”

  1. January 25th, 2015 at 8:10 pm      Reply Ms. Hunni Says:

    My dear Pessimist!
    As you wrote from your brilliantly thoughtful mind and intermixed the words within the deep pools of your heart and soul, you have triumphed with your best piece of writing this semester! Thank you for all the joy you bring to my heart. Watching you grow has been a humbling pleasure!
    Hugs, Hunni

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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
January 2015


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