The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline



Freedom? What is freedom? Some say it is the power to do whatever you feel, some would protest against that and say it is the power of free will. There is no set definition of freedom, it could be used in a dozen of different ways, and have a dozen different meanings. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. We all have freedom to a certain extent, some people more than others; you can have freedom from your parents, peers, teachers, govenment, law enforcers, etc. But once your freedom is gone, its hard to retain. For example, once you commit an offence and get chraged, you have to wait an xtensive amount of time before you get your pardon; and your freedom is taken away becuase you now you have a limited places you can go, and thigs you can do. Many people assume that freedom makes life better, why is it that Freedom to some seems to be the underlying concept of who we are today? Was it freedom that has brought us here or some other intervening factor?

We all choose what our paths in life are going to be, at the end of some paths the freedom might have expanded a great deal from your starting point, others might have freedom along the way and kept stationary after a certain point. What I’m trying to say is that everyone experiences freedom, but not everyone experiences it in the same quantity. Even if everyone had the same amount of freedom, every individual would approach it differently. Some would take it for granted and abuse the rights they’ve been given, others would take advantage of the right in a positive way, and establish a foundation that would over come there thoughts of abusing the right.

The way I percieve freedom, its just a word people use to state what they want in distress. There is not just one certain sentence that could describe what freedom, there are so many different situations that you can’t compare (unless used in same context). So in all fairness, people ultimately should not be complaining about who has more freedom, they should enjoy what they are given and make the absolute most of what they have in life. So in conclusion don’t thake anything for granted, just enjoy, don’t let your conscious take over with the word freedom!




What got me inspired about basketball? It wasn’t just one thing, I came to a point in my life where I felt empty, alone, and I didn’t know what to do. I found a companion, beautiful, definitely completed me. It didn’t occur to me that I could be such a lover again! Basketball! It changed my life, I fell in love. Here’s how it goes, my family and friends saw I was a bit dissapointed and sad, so one night my cousin took me to this basketball program at the mosque. A great deal of my friends were there, and i had really enjoyed myself. I was only 12 at the time, and it seemed as if I had a natural love and talent for basketball. I felt complete! As I earlier stated I felt alone, empty; and for once in a long time I felt as if I was a whole. I can’t put it into words, but basketball changed me. By all means I wasn’t alone, I had family; I wasn’t unhappy, its just that I could’ve been happier. Its not that I had no one, I just felt that way. That one night of basketball changed my life a great deal, and I certainly am proud of myself. In that era of my life, I was very chubby, overweight, and it just brought my self-esteem down; but after that night I wanted to change for my other-half. I brought myself to a conclusion, I was going to get back in shape. I promised myself that nothing would get in the way, and so far have been successful!

I changed because I was inspired to become a better person for my companion. Now I know I’m not the best, but I still strive towards the maximum potential I have in this sport. On top of that, Dwayne Wade has really inspired. He is a great player, and has a great story of how he made the NBA. Now I’m not going to go on about his story, but it really was something! Also, the way he plays is really quite astonishing. He has a high basketball IQ, and he is one of the greatest basketball players, despite his height. Although he inspires me very much, Dwayne Wade isn’t my favourite player; that would be Kevin Durant. My dream is to make the NBA by the time I’m 23. Hopefully with the support of my friend and family, I will accomplish this great goal. Even if I’m not successful in making the NBA, I’ll go for other leaugues; Like Euro-Lague, or the ABA(American Basketball Association).


Love and Marriage


What is love? Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. There are different types of affection that you can have that would fall into love.

This love is the love that everybody needs to survive. It is that feeling of being cared for and nurtured. Some people would describe this as the type of love parents have for their children. This is so important: high on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; and studies have even proven that people have died of a “broken heart” (there have been no explanations for their deaths other than that).

This is a love between yourself and someone that is totally honest, open and comfortable. You really only have this kind of bond with a few people. You might know a lot of people and be “friendly” with them in a group situation but they are not the best friends I am talking about here.
I have a theory that you can not truely be best friends with a member of the opposite sex. Down the line romance will always come up from either party and feelings will be misinterpreted and mistaken. When this happens, the friendship will change and possibly never be the same again.

(The much anticipated love!) Most people experience this type of love many times in their life. It is when you see that person for the first time and he/she makes your knees go weak or gives you butterflies in your stomach.i.e. “Love at first sight”. Most people don’t even love the person they think they are in love with…they fall in love with the idea if being in love. This is more of a lustful kind of love, it wears off after a while and hopefully leads to…

This is the sincere love, the love that lasts forever. This kind of love comes when you have found the person you are destined to be with. Nothing can destroy unconditional love. It is like when you have an argument or disagree about something with that person and you realize that it doesn’t bother you because the love you have for him/her overcomes everything.

Those are the four types of love, ideally marriage falls under “Romantic Love”, and then soon develops into “Unconditional Love”. Consent from parents could go either way. It could become a big deal if parents have a great deal of authority over their child, like in “Romeo and Juliet”, they did not care about consent and eventually ended up dead. It wouldn’t be much of a big deal if the parents genuinely care about their children, and respect their decision. Now for arranged marriage I am very against it, and its because if someone is old enough to marry, then I think they can find a lover on their own. Now, according to research, divorce rates for arranged marriages in Canada, and the U.S. could be anywhere from 40%-50%. That isn’t bad, nor is it good. I think that parents shouldn’t have any decision over their children’s love-life. I think that the only type of marrying, should be marrying for love. From my standpoint there really isn’t any reason. So as you can tell my opinion is very strong for people finding there own love, and I think that’s the right decision for everyone. I hope you enjoyed my opinion!




Sight is just a camera, and everyone has there own capture

While Im taking mine, its like I’m in a rapture.

My album is full of life, and thats a fact;

Basketball is life, no argueing with that.

Basketball, it’s more than a game, its a feeling

when it hits floor it’s like a heart, it’s beating.

I want to be the best, simple and plain

But to be the best, it takes work, you have to train.

You can try and get by me, but I might just post you up;

Even if you steal the ball I wont give up.

Then steal the ball back, hold it for ransom;

It’s more than a game, this is a passion.

If my teamates are open, no doubt I’ll pass;

We won’t give up, even if we come last.

Pouring my emotions out, my feeling for ball

Always focused, wont ever stall;

You know I’ll stay focused and give it my all,

Because of my deep desire for basketball.

The game of basketball, it is my scripture;

So this is my album, my perfect pictures.


I chose this to write a poem of basketball, because basketball is my sincere passion. I can’t see my life without basketball, its become such a big part of my life. The title “Picture-Perfect”, refers to how everything around me is about basketball, all i see is basketball, I basically breathe basketball. I honestly love basketball, I feel like I’m married to the game, in other words, I’m just that dedicated. Last week one of my most respected elders told me to quit basketball, if it was about i wouldn’t have had the guts, but I told him off. It wasn’t out of disrespect, its just that I put so much work into the game. Before this summer I wasn’t very good, but I practiced so much over the summer, and now I think I’m pretty good. So back to the poem, its just expressing my feeling for basketball; hope you enjoyed!

The Last Olympian


Dear Arron,

Let me start off by first saying, that I think you would greatly appreciate the book “The Last Olympian”. You’re and adventurous kind of guy, and this book authentically reflects your character. The main character and yourself share many of the same personality traits. The reason I chose to write to you, is that you claim to be a non-reader, so am I, and this book won’t take a lot of effort to read. “The Last Olympian” is a fantasy-adventure novel based on Greek mythology by Rick Riordan, published on May 5, 2009(Wikipedia). This was the last, or closing book, of a five book series. If you are interested in reading the previous books the name of the series is “Percy Jackson and the Olympians”.

In one’s own view I comprehend that this book revolves around this one prophecy:

A half-blood of the eldest gods

Shall reach sixteen against all odds

And see the world in endless sleep

The hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap

A single choice shall end his days

Olympus to preserve or raze.


When everyone turns to Percy thinking he will be the answer to the prophecy, the plot takes an interesting shift. It turns out that the antagonist Luke, preserves Olympus in the end. I think what the author did there was very impressive, it literally made me put my book down for a good five minutes due to the fact that I was so shocked. What I really liked about the shift at the ending was that it kept me thinking about how the whole book was about Percy being the hero, when he didn’t end up saving the day. I think this book would have been more interesting if the enemies came out on top for once. Every book, movie, story its always the protagonist that ends up successful, and it would’ve been nice to experience a change. For the most part I really enjoyed this series, and all it had to offer. It has got me interested in Greek mythology, and taught me a great deal about it. Knowing you and how much we’re alike, I believe this book will have the same influences on you, that it had on me. Personally I think the author could have spent a little less time on the visuals, and a little more time with his choice of words. The plot leading up to this book was astonishing, I appreciated how the author used each book to make the next better!

The Camp Half-Blood Chronicles by Rick Riordan contains two main series, “Percy Jackson & the Olympians”, and “The Heroes of Olympus”. The Heroes of Olympus ties in with Roman mythology, but that just make the series all the more better! I promise that you will not be disappointed while reading this series, once you start the first book, you won’t put it down until you’ve completed the whole series. Clearly I am in favor of this mythological wonder of a book, and I hope you will be too!

Sincerely, Ayana




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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
April 2024


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