The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Leisure Reading Letter – Bad Girls Don’t Die


*Names changed for privacy reasons


Dearest Natalie,

If this was by any chance a conventional letter, I would begin by asking how you and Rose have been lately, seeing as we haven’t talked to each other in quite the long time. Possibly following up that greeting with some casual type what you have been up to, have you blown up the kitchen yet, and have you seen any good concerts lately, kind of customary, slightly humorous, but conversation provoking questions that would charge this piece of snail mail into something you may want to actually respond too. But as you may have guessed by this time, this is by no means a normal letter. Not in any facade of the mind, because it is more like a recommendation piece. Or a demanding one if you will. So instead, just to spice things up right off the bat, I will begin with a story.

Once upon a time in the late 1800’s a new classification of entertainment came into existence. It was called ‘Horror.’ Appearing in the early black and white silent films, and over time evolving into the scream your head off worthy horror that we know today. Now Nat, I don’t mean to put words in your mouth or anything, but this horror type stuff is utterly and completely the preferred movie genre of your choosing. I am positively confident of it. You can’t accuse me of pulling this out of no where all you want either, for there are a few extremely valid reasons I have come to this correct conclusion. I can back myself up with first hand observations. For one thing, it is always I, the tolerant individual sitting there beside you in front of your TV or at the movies bored out of my bloody wits while you watch starry eyed at some poor soul’s heart being ripped out of their chest by a psychotic serial killer. Sound familiar? I think so. Two, whenever I am in public with you these creepy movies that you worship like a religion become applied to the most regular situations of everyday. Don’t try to deny it, you know it’s true. The conclusions you come to could probably pass a test for paranoia. Every passerby could potentially be a possessed demon trying to steal your soul, correct?

Anyways, my long winded point is as much as you love scary movies, and for that matter dislike books, I do believe I have found an excellent compromise regarding the collision of these two opposite of the spectrum worlds. As long as I have known you I have been aware that reading of any type was clearly not your forte – a full blown novel was unheard of blasphemy! This known and taken into account, I have just recently read a book, on my own time at my own will mind you, and enjoyed it more than I ever thought I could have. Genuinely, this book was intriguing to me, and as much as I know you’re not going to like the sound of this next statement, it would be even more intriguing for you. Stop! Before you put this down and stop reading just please hear me out for a few moments more. The novel is called Bad Girls Don’t Die written by an author by the name of Katie Alender, who I can now classify as a freaking brilliant woman. Seriously, this book has everything you could want in a story, an excellent plot, a horribly tragic conflict complete with some secondary smalls too, and characters you feel like you know personally after reading only the first chapter.

Bad Girls Don’t Die is creepy, I’m not going to deny it, but this was what inspired me to write this letter specifically to continue fuelling your love for the weird and the supernatural just a little bit more. Dysfunctional family meets ghostly demon presence just sounds like a recipe for disaster. I bet if they put that on the back cover you would be interested. As much as you don’t have a great interest in reading I am almost fully sure that this book would pull you in within the first few pages. Right away the entire mood and atmosphere that is created is eerie and psychologically disturbing even without no direct mention of a unnatural presence, which does occur further in the story I might add. “Suddenly everything around me seemed to get one shade brighter. The moon came pouring through a wispy haze of vapour that looked like a tattered veil draped behind the house.” (1) Through one starter sentence the description of the scene creates immediate imagery in your mind, without all or any of the background information present it’s plain to tell that right from the get go something just isn’t right in the world the book is set in.

In order to make sure I don’t give to much of the plot away, since this book is extremely dependant on the mysteriousness of what horribly disconcerting thing is going to happen to the main characters Kasey and Alexis next, I’ll leave you to speculate further with one mildly grotesque closing quote. “I go closer, and walk around her to see her eyes. They are wide open. A trickle of blood drips from the side of her gaping lips. She is dead. Next to her is the precious doll, whose hair is still clutched in Sarah’s hand. I step closer- And suddenly the doll’s eyes pop open, bright green and glowing.” (118) Right up you alley isn’t it sweetie? Horror books may just become your new obsession. Don’t doubt it till you try it!

Even if not, your not going to regret reading this book Nat. So get going!

Lots of love,


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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
November 2011


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