The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Mahatma Gandhi


“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi.  Mahatma Gandhi has influenced many people worldwide because of his commitment, and dedication towards making his country, India, an independent nation. The result of his actions back then has now affected our future, and present in many ways! Gandhi had become the change that he wanted to see in the world and accomplished it after a long fight! He has promoted a society in which people are treated more equally and people are far more motivated to do anything to change our world in positive ways.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your future.” – Mahatma Gandhi. I believe that we can still improve the thoughts, beliefs, and the way of living in our society today many ways. When I get older, I am going to pursue my dreams of becoming a gynecologist because of my feelings toward children. I’m the type of girl who can’t stand to see any child suffer especially if we are the reason for their suffering. My job and beliefs would be to help those who are in need of help, who get treated unequally, and who think that violence is the answer to everything! We are living in a world in which it may seem that everyone is treated equally, but in reality everyone is judged because of their looks, status, gender, culture, etc. When I get older, my dream is to open an orphanage and teach the children to treat others the same way they would want to be treated; there is no point in fighting because violence is not the answer to everything! No matter how poor or rich anyone is, we are all still human so there is no point in treating others as if they are not one of us! I believe that everyone will come to know that I am willing to change the thoughts and view everyone has in the world about others by teaching people about equality and hoping that they would respect each other.

Our world today is full of violence. No one treats each other with respect. I myself don’t get treated with respect! The only people who respect me and my values would be my family and friends. For the past three years, I have been made fun of many times because of my weight and had been physically abused. I can’t even imagine how life would be after graduation. If I get treated this way right now, how would it be after I have graduated high school? After that horrifying experience, I started to believe that no one should judge others by looks! It’s the personality that counts but unfortunately, it’s not like that in today’s society. Everything is always based on looks! Nowadays, teenagers have become a major threat to our world because of all the violence! They do drugs, get pregnant at such a young age, bring guns to school, etc. These behaviors become their habits and their values which clearly shows exactly what their future will be which terrifies others for even thinking about seeing a change in the world; with this sort of attitude and behavior, our world would be a total wreck!

Gandhi’s dream was to see the India free from all the violence and stay peaceful with everyone, which he accomplished! My dream is to see the world as a non-violent, non-racial place where people are treated equally! For this dream to come true, I would help those who are in need of any help for example, I would start to do something about poverty. They are also human beings and they deserve better and they have equal rights to everything as much as we do. I am the type of person who would give but not expect anything in return. I would do the best I can to provide any person who is living on the streets a home with food. Since I am against racism, I would teach people not to be racist because they won’t earn anything other than hatred. The same point goes with violence as well. Racism causes you to make more enemies and enemies lead to violence. If we want to see a world with no violence, than we should learn to respect each other and not be racist, otherwise things will get messy!

Your beliefs create your destiny! Once we learn to treat others the way we want to be treated, there will be a positive impact on our future! We can make the world a better place! These teachings will become our beliefs which would later on become our destiny! Mahatma Gandhi had also taught others to treat each other with respect and told people that violence is not the answer to everything. I feel much more motivated to do the best I can to keep our world in a better place and to make a positive change! This way I will be the change I want to see in the world!

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Class Blogs


Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
February 2012


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