The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Childhood Innocence is Evident In All Walks Of Life


I remember when my brother was at the tender age of three; his vocabulary ever expanding, and he had just learned a new word. On the plane from London to Belfast, he decided to exercise his right to freedom of speech; proceeding to kick the seat ahead of him, scream at the top of his lungs, amd swing his little legs in tempo with his song “asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole.” Obviously, his innocence prevented him from realizing just to the extent of the embarrassment, as well as hilarity this provided to my family, as well as a minor annoyance to the other passengers on the plane. Where he learnt this word, I will never know, although, due to the response it received, it quickly became his favorite.

Personally, I believe the photo labeled “innocence” portrays the theme: childhood innocence is evident in all walks of life.  The child in this photograph seems oblivious to his surroundings, and happy, when the frame around him seems solemn. He is just loving life, unaware of the situation unfolding before him. My eye was quickly drawn to the stereotypical “happy”” colors in his clothing, and his expression, over anything else in the photograph. This leading me to assume the prescense of innocence captured by the photographer. The massive amounts of white framing the child, also leads me to assume the presence of purity, and innocence. The focal point of the picture isn’t evident, it’s basically whatever your eye is drawn to first.

No matter what situation or location you may be in, children lack the experiences and knowledge to filter their thoughts and actions. They don’t recognize a needed shift in behavior to adapt to a specific situation; nor should they. A huge part of being a child is actually having the care and worry free innocence you lose as you grow up. Children aren’t equipped to deal with and comprehend the problems the world has, although, I do believe they should have some awareness. Children shouldn’t be in total darkness, they should have some sense of prepardness, but the world’s true and darkest colors should only be revealed when the child is ready, and stumbles upon it themselves.

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8 Comments to

“Childhood Innocence is Evident In All Walks Of Life”

  1. March 2nd, 2012 at 9:37 am      Reply cellina Says:

    Good job Kailey! i like how you took an experience of your own and really describe what you meant. Again, good job!

  2. March 2nd, 2012 at 9:42 am      Reply Sapideh Says:

    Kailey !! This is amazing I can clearly see your veiws and your ideas. I love when you said ” A huge part of being a child is actually having the care and worry free innocence you lose as you grow up. Children aren’t equipped to deal with and comprehend the problems the world has, although, I do believe they should have some awareness.” That sentence says a lot, also, I agree and adore your theme statment !! Great Job !! (:

  3. March 3rd, 2012 at 8:33 pm      Reply claudiat Says:

    Kailey this is so AMAZING!! you did an awesome job with your ideas from this. I like how you took and example from your personal expirence. Thios is excelent. Keep it up your doing awesome! <3

  4. March 7th, 2012 at 4:18 pm      Reply Kailey (: Says:

    Thank you, you three! Much appreciated (:

  5. April 4th, 2012 at 12:11 am      Reply Brendan Says:

    Kailey that was great, i really love how you had opend this up with personal experience. It was a great way to open and capture the attention of the readers. I mean if it was great enough to get my attention than it must be something haha!

  6. April 14th, 2012 at 12:21 pm      Reply Kailey (: Says:

    Brendan you’re my fave.

  7. April 15th, 2012 at 2:05 pm      Reply celeste Says:

    KAILEY WOW! That was awesome the first paragraph had me laughing and I like how you put in a peronal experience it really made me want to keep on reading!

  8. April 26th, 2012 at 2:04 pm      Reply Kailey (: Says:

    All of you are just so sweet!
    Thank youuuu (: I’m glad I made you laugh! ahaha

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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
February 2012


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