The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Free Choice Blog


I was looking online today and this quote by Adam Lambert really struck a cord with me.  “It gets better.  It seems hard.  You know, I think being different is always going to be a tough climb.  There is always going to be people that are scared of it. But at the end of the day you give those bullies, those people, that are so ignorant, if you give the power to affect you, you are letting them win. And they don’t deserve that.  What you are doing by being yourself is you are keeping it real, and you are being really brave.”  I chose this quote to talk about because ever since i was a little kid, I have gotten picked on and bullied.

When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with scoliosis which is is having a severe crooked back.  So since I was four I have been wearing a brace on my back.  Ever since I have had it, I have been picked on and no one liked me because I wasnt the same as them and some girls actually said I was a robot and that I didnt belong here.  This was when I was four years old.  But now I get picked on everyday.  Some girls in my grade make fun of me everyday to my face and call me really bad names and when I get home, I am hurt.  I hold it all in because I dont want people to know that I am weak and I dont want anyone to know that I am hurt.  I try everyday to forget what has happened but it is so hard for me because I have so many names in my head about what people have said about me and I am starting to believe them.

Bullying has had a huge impact on me because I have no confidence in myself.  When I got picked to go on stage for Class Acts this year, I was so scared everyone was going to make fun of me because that is what I am used to.  I didn’t think I was good enough and because I have no confidence in myself, it is hard for me to tell people what I like about myself.  So everyday I think about what I am really good at and who I am as a person and it helps me get over the hurtful words that I hear.

Even though bullying has affected me badly, I think it has aslso affected me in a good way.  I think this because I have friends in my life that help me get through everyday and they always make sure I am alright.  They listen to all my problems and tell me that i am worth something and that is what I think is the most important thing to hear.  This is why i chose this quote about bullying because it has affected me all of my life.


by posted under Breanna | 3 Comments »    
3 Comments to

“Free Choice Blog”

  1. June 18th, 2012 at 10:43 pm      Reply sadafsha Says:

    wow, this must have been tough to write or at least emotional for you.
    you’re not the only one who had this problem, Shailene Woodley, a celebrity also had a similar situation as you so don’t feel hurt. If it helps, i was born with three holes in my heart and something called FISH Syndrome (FISHybirdization) whatever that is, and i too was bullied. but it makes you stronger, and till today im regaining my confidence wich was something i had lost.
    I think you did awesome, it relates to a lot of people!!

  2. June 19th, 2012 at 8:43 pm      Reply simrat Says:

    Breanna that was amazing, I had no idea that you when through all that. I really loved how you used a quote and I loved how you talked about your experiences. It mad it really strong, I want to let you know that if you need to talk I am here for you 🙂 <3

  3. June 24th, 2012 at 12:12 pm      Reply Sapideh Says:

    Wow Breanna, I always thought of you as such a strong and confident girl, and I could never imagine or believe why someone would say such rude things about an amazing person like you. First of all, I’m glad you stayed in Class Acts and you showed and reminded everyone on how talented you are- and I might add showing to the mean girls that they don’t effect you whatsoever. Second, It’s true : what doesn’t kill you does make you stronger, and after high school you’re going to look back and say “Wow, I definitely don’t wish on going back, but I’m an even better and stronger person now” Cheesy clichés intended. You learn from your experiences and I believe everyone must go through some pain in their lives to not only learn more about themselves but recognize how life works – including all the bumps in the road – but also to understand better and become more knowledgeable. I totally agree with your conclusion , and you have to always remind yourself that you are SOOOOO beautiful Breanna! & you have SO MANY people out there looking out for you and care deeply about you (me being one of them). I know recently we both went through something with the same person and I can personally say that I’m sorry that happened to you, and I’m sorry that all of this happened to you. But the difference between you and me and that unfortunately very rude person is: that we’re happy. We’re in a very happy position right now, and she’s jealous. I wish we could give some happiness to share with her- but maturity and the certain situation conflicts- and sometimes it just can’t be done. Jealously is the ugliest trait, and it can even make really pretty girls horribly ugly. Remember that.
    Excellent quote, inspiring story, written by a beautiful lady; Breanna you’re the best (: <3

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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
June 2012


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