The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline



Prejudice and racism are still a huge part of society today. 71% of people in the United States alone have overheard a casual joke about a religious stereotype in school or at a work place, and hear these jokes at least once a month. The majority of these people telling the jokes have had a racist joke told about them, supporting the statement “What goes around comes around.” The fact is that many people even today are greatly affected by these jokes and racist comments. Some are denied jobs, unable to adopt a certain child because of cultural differences, or are not allowed to be with certain types of religious people.

Although most people are comfortable and okay with such comments, people still view these as a problem in today’s world. This affects who we see as a higher social class than us and who we feel as more in charge. People in places such as China and Bangladesh are still working for the more powerful people in areas such as Canada and the United States, with no voice or opinion in who is in charge. Forced to work for little money and forced to feel in very little power. This is just a larger scale of those little racist comments and jokes, making religions feel unimportant and unneeded. These countries and religious groups are just slaves in many ways, being forced to work with little pay and atrocious working conditions, because of the thoughts and values of prejudice people. Society numbers the different social classes on what others say about them and on how they have been treated in the past, our past ways have negatively affected how we act. We have had many opportunities to learn but have not taken full advantage of them and have not changed ALL of our ways because of our past. People hear racist jokes all the time and choose to do nothing about it.

Without realizing it many people even today are showing signs of prejudice and not realizing all the affects they still have on people. With large powerful countries and people leading the way into racism and prejudice ways, some can not help but to follow into this label. Our past should help lead us into a better future, but we first need to learn from it. This will help push us out of the negative views people have in others in society today.

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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
January 2013


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