The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Growing Up


Although it is not clearly stated, growing up can easily be depicted form this iconic quote by Anne Frank. Adults or Guardians withhold key parts in our lives, but unless it’s advice or support, the real growth is done by ourselves as shown in the quote, “Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” The connection I have made from growing up to this quote, is through the ideas of influence and choice. For example, your parents may encourage you to complete homework as it may benefit you in a positive way later on. However, you have the final decision on which situation you should embark on, allowing yourself to handle some power and evidently growing up from this experience.

As children, we all wonder what affects time will take on our personality and bodies, but a unique quote by Casey Stengel gives a whole new meaning to development at a tender age. Through her wise words of, “The trick is to grow up without growing old”, Casey Stengel portrays her view on maturity. How the quote ties into growing up is obvious, but the explanation I have come up with is quite significant. I think this quote is trying to say, that since no one wants to age and take on a new physical form, the trick is to age in the brain or grow up from experience while still young. Oddly enough, this relates to the novel To Kill A Mockingbird with the situation of Scout. At the beginning she is wide eyed and soaking up knowledge, and then later on she learns from experience, gaining valuable traits while still under the age of ten.

From my previous explanation of growing up, this quote sends my words into a whirlwind of controversy due to the magnificent passage of Chili Davis. This day in age has jumped measures in different fields of advancement, but not one person has managed to stop the process of human aging as shown in the quote, “Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.” What this quote first tells me is that everyone will age, but you can choose to stay young at heart. This relates  to the concept of growing up by saying that this motif is a choice of ours. I completely agree too; I mean I still play LEGO even at the age of 14. I chose to to not grow up in this category because it give me enjoyment, even though the rest of my body has matured in the strangest of ways. All in all, growing up is a decision and a tough one at that, but we can not change the reality of our body growing up.

From the age of one until nine, we as humans absorb 70% of knowledge we will ever need to know as said by the wonderful Rick Perry. Morals and values are characteristics that will reside somewhere in yourself forever, no matter what morphing you undergo, “What I learned growing up on the farm was a way of life that was centered on hard work, and on faith and thrift. Those values have stuck with me my whole life.” This specific passage captures an important concept of learning young. As we grow up, we are introduced to new scenarios and new people. From these relationships we draw out idealistic traits and make them our own. This is the same when we are growing up as children; we see our parents caring for our relatives and immediately start doing that ourselves. In conclusion, you pick up what you’ve been through and keep these through the rest of your era as you grow up.

As I overview all the quotes, I have resurrected a relatable science theory to the main motif of Growing Up… Phototropism states that all plants will grow towards a light source because of a chemical called “Auxin”, allowing the plant to absorb sunlight more effectively. When applying this idea of plants growing towards their necessities, I was astonished that I too have developed close to my necessities in life. For example, my mother has played the symbol of light in my life, providing me with food as sunlight, love as Carbon Dioxide, and support resembles water. Overall, I have grown towards my mom, and have inherited traits that aid me in growing up. Whether you are a plant containing a unique chemical that brings you closer to the items you need, or you’re me who’s strong bond with my mother has allowed me to mature, understand that everything you face in your life shapes the way you age and the rate you grow up.

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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
January 2013


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