The Hunni Blog ELA 10

Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline

Letter to Alex P.


Dear Alexander P,

Its been a few weeks since I last saw your beautiful face. Recently, I finished a book titled The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I want to recommend this book to you because I know how much you fantasize about love stories and this would be good chance for you to read more about romance with a bit of time traveling.You are reaching that time of your life when you are starting to appreciate females around you and yearn to know them better. You may say to me otherwise but there is obvious evidence of your feelings in your Skype profile picture. I know you have watched the movie while I have not but that is no reason to not read the book(Plus people say books are better than movies anyways which I wouldn’t know since I haven’t even watched the movie yet). 

Returning to the topic of the book, I shouldn’t have to explain too much since you should already know from the movie. The book starts off in the library in Chicago where you are introduced to Henry. You learn that Henry has the ability to time travel but he is unable to control this power. As he continues working, he meets Clare who is shocked to see him but embraces him almost immediately and claims to be his wife. They go for dinner and later end up in bed together(your favourite scene) that night. This book was very interesting because it had a very fresh take on the concept of time travel. In the book, Henry knows his future by is unable to do anything about it. He is always forced to accept his future no matter how poorly it turns out. Audrey Niffenegger explores the struggles one may face as a result of time travel with writing almost as wonderful as your face. Through reading this book, I believe your fantasies can be taken to new lengths as you slowly discover more possibilities in the world of love. The language in this book was complicated enough to be considered a decent read for me and should fit your requirements.

This book was one I enjoyed reading and I hope you will find the time one night to enjoy it.  I know for a fact that you will have a great time reading this book.

From one trash can to another,


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Community Communication Trust Respect Courtesy Integrity Scholarship Self-Discipline
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